The Health Risks of Doomscrolling

The Health Risks of Doomscrolling

In the digital age, staying informed is easier than ever, with news and updates available at our fingertips. However, this constant access to information has given rise to a troubling phenomenon known as “doomscrolling.”

Doomscrolling refers to the habit of continuously scrolling through negative news stories and social media feeds, often leading to a state of anxiety and distress.

While staying informed is important, the compulsive nature of doomscrolling can have serious implications for mental and physical health.

Understanding the risks of doomscrolling is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship with technology and safeguarding your well-being.

The term “doomscrolling” became particularly relevant during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, when people sought information in an attempt to regain a sense of control.

Unfortunately, this behavior can create a vicious cycle of negative emotions and stress. This article explores the health risks of doomscrolling, highlighting the psychological and physiological impacts, and offers strategies to break the cycle and develop healthier media consumption habits.

1. Increased Anxiety and Stress

Constant Exposure to Negative News

One of the primary risks of doomscrolling is the constant exposure to negative news, which can significantly increase anxiety and stress levels.

Reading about crises, disasters, and other distressing events can trigger a state of heightened alertness, making it difficult to relax and unwind.

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Chronic Stress

Prolonged exposure to negative content can lead to chronic stress, which has been linked to a range of health issues, including cardiovascular diseases, weakened immune function, and digestive problems.

The body’s stress response is meant to be temporary, but doomscrolling keeps it activated, leading to long-term health consequences.

2. Sleep Disturbances

Impact on Sleep Quality

Doomscrolling, especially before bedtime, can disrupt your sleep patterns. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.

Additionally, consuming distressing content can lead to heightened arousal and difficulty falling asleep.


Chronic doomscrolling can contribute to insomnia and poor sleep quality, which in turn can affect your overall health, including mood, cognitive function, and physical well-being.

Ensuring a restful night’s sleep is crucial, and limiting screen time before bed can help achieve this.

3. Depression and Hopelessness

Negative Thought Patterns

Engaging in doomscrolling can reinforce negative thought patterns and feelings of hopelessness.

Constantly focusing on negative events can skew your perception of reality, making the world seem more dangerous and unpredictable than it actually is.

Increased Risk of Depression

This constant bombardment of negative information can increase the risk of developing depression.

The feelings of helplessness and despair that come from reading about ongoing crises can be overwhelming, contributing to a depressive mindset.

4. Reduced Productivity and Focus

Distraction and Overload

Doomscrolling can significantly reduce productivity by diverting your attention and causing information overload.

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The constant influx of news and updates can make it difficult to focus on tasks, leading to decreased efficiency and performance in both professional and personal life.

Cognitive Fatigue

Constantly processing negative information can lead to cognitive fatigue, making it harder to concentrate, solve problems, and make decisions.

Taking breaks from media consumption can help alleviate this mental exhaustion and improve focus.

5. Social Isolation

Social Isolation
Photo: Envato Elements/Seventyfourimages

Withdrawal from Social Interactions

Spending excessive time doomscrolling can lead to social isolation, as individuals may withdraw from face-to-face interactions and meaningful social connections.

This can further exacerbate feelings of loneliness and depression.

Negative Impact on Relationships

Doomscrolling can also strain relationships, as the constant preoccupation with negative content can make it difficult to engage in positive and supportive interactions with friends and family.

Prioritizing real-life connections over digital consumption is essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

6. Physical Health Issues

Sedentary Behavior

Doomscrolling often involves prolonged periods of sitting or lying down, contributing to a sedentary lifestyle.

Lack of physical activity is associated with numerous health risks, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Eye Strain and Headaches

Extended screen time can cause eye strain, headaches, and discomfort.

The habit of doomscrolling can exacerbate these issues, leading to a range of physical health problems that can impact overall well-being.

Strategies to Combat Doomscrolling

Set Time Limits

One effective way to combat doomscrolling is to set specific time limits for media consumption.

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Allocate a certain amount of time each day to check the news and social media, and stick to it. This can help prevent the habit from taking over your life.

Curate Your Feed

Curate your social media feed and news sources to include positive and uplifting content.

Follow accounts and websites that provide balanced perspectives and share good news stories, in addition to important updates.

Practice Mindfulness

Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.

Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation can help manage anxiety and break the cycle of doomscrolling.

Engage in Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can counteract the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle and improve mental health.

Make time for exercise, whether it’s a daily walk, yoga session, or workout at the gym, to boost your mood and overall well-being.

Seek Support

If doomscrolling is significantly impacting your mental health, consider seeking support from a mental health professional.

Therapy can provide valuable tools and strategies to manage anxiety and depression, and help you develop healthier media consumption habits.


The health risks of doomscrolling are significant and far-reaching, affecting both mental and physical well-being.

By understanding these risks and implementing strategies to manage media consumption, you can break the cycle of doomscrolling and promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Prioritizing self-care and staying informed in moderation can help you maintain a positive outlook and safeguard your health in the digital age.

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