
Why Meditation Should Be Part of Your Anti-Aging Regimen

Why Meditation Should Be Part of Your Anti-Aging Regimen

Meditation has long been known for disease and anti aging qualities of prevention. These qualities are now being used in the western world. Meditation is now considered a way to reduce stress and improve a person’s overall health. However, few people practice mediation daily. Everything considered it just might be worth the effort. It has been determined that there is a link between telomerase and telomeres and stress. The protective caps of chromosomes are known as telomeres. These protective caps ...

Anti Wrinkle Cream VS Oranges!

Anti Wrinkle Cream VS Oranges!

Anti wrinkle cream can be a wonderful companion in the fight against aging. However – and this is based on my own experience as well as vast research – if nourishing your outer appearance by using a good anti wrinkle cream is all you do to stay young, you’re fighting a losing battle. Hello, my name is Tommy. I have a wonderful secret I’d like to share with you. A very simple secret. So simple, in fact, that you may ...

5 Best Hair Care Tips of All Times

5 Best Hair Care Tips of All Times

Healthy, flawless hair is the wish of every woman. If you already have healthy hair naturally then consider yourself gifted. But for those who are having some issues with their scalp are in utter worry. Don’t worry, it’s not something fatal that cannot be fixed. Yes, there are simple tips and tricks that can work great to make your dream come true. Your healthy hair on the head is a special asset that you need to take care of since ...