C. Sarah

What To Do On The Second Date

What To Do On The Second Date

So you’ve passed the first date and you are now on your second date. What should you do? Actually, the second date is simple. Just replicate what you did on your first date and you will be fine! So what do I mean by that? Well this is what I mean… Stick to the theme that worked the first time – Say for example the first date you went out and you were funny and amusing. This time stick to ...

Romantic Conversation Starters To Make Her Fall In Love With You

Romantic Conversation Starters To Make Her Fall In Love With You

So you’re wondering about romantic conversation starters. Because you are thinking in your own head “man I need a conversation starter” or “I wonder what conversation topics she’ll like”. Well good news for you guys. I have created this article dedicated to dating conversation topics and interesting conversation topics for guys out there who are worried about what to say. Just remember, the general theme of the night should revolve around HER and not you. So you want to ask ...

9 Great First Date Ideas

9 Great First Date Ideas

Good work, you made it on your first date. Now all you need are some great first date ideas that will allow you to have some with your date, that is not too expensive yet fun to do. But then again, you don’t want to be like everyone else and do the cliche things and come off as boring. So that’s why you were on the internet researching and came across this page. Well my friend, you are in luck, ...