C. Sarah

How To Have Sexual Intercourse

How To Have Sexual Intercourse

For some people sexual sensations are made up with love and close relationship. Some people think that sexual intercourse should only proceed after marriage and for other sex and love are two dissimilar things. This article is about how to have sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse refers to, when the male reproductive organ get into the female reproductive tract, this act is called sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse is also called as copulation, coitus, mating and penetration. Sexual intercourse within a man ...

How to Try Different Sexual Positions

How to Try Different Sexual Positions

This article teaches you how to make love whole night with different sexual positions. Love making is the most wonderful heavenly experience, while making love, we disremember about our past and feel positively, no distress of our future, everything solidify to time and we live in the every breathing. Before telling you the some sexual techniques or positions, it is very essential to know that 100% participation and complete enthusiasm of the partners, better understanding, and thirst for making love. ...

How To Boost Libido With Herbs

How To Boost Libido With Herbs

There are many possible treatments which help to increase low libido like Viagra, or other sex pills. Mostly people think that sex pills work faster than natural remedies. But these pills can put bad effects on your health and cause many other health problems like insomnia, headache, fatigue and nasal problems. This article helps you how to boost low libido with herbs and spices. There are many causes that can affect the libido like stress, depression, anxiety, excess usage of ...