C. Sarah

Navigating The Aisle Of Confusion To Whiten Your Teeth

Navigating The Aisle Of Confusion To Whiten Your Teeth

Are you planning to have your teeth whitened? Go on; you are not alone. A study conducted by American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry grows that teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic service. Although teeth may not be purely white, no one wishes to have discolored or corn like teeth. The type of juices, fruits, food and beverages we take affect the enamel which eventually reduces the white appearance. Teeth whitening is a life-enhancing and safe process that improves the ...

Yoga Clothing: What You Need For a Perfect Exercise

Yoga Clothing: What You Need For a Perfect Exercise

One of the best ways to keep yourself healthy and fit is by practicing yoga. Yoga is excellent because it doesn’t require any additional equipment, nor you will need extra space than the room you spend most of your day. Of course, yoga is even better outside in nature. Parks, wilderness, and mountains are excellent because of the fresh air and beautiful sites. The only thing you need is cloths. Since yoga requires a lot of stretching and doing positions ...

Health Benefits of Oranges

Health Benefits of Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin C and vitamin A and a citrus juicy fruit likes everyone in our India. Oranges are also full of flavonoids, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, potassium, dietary fiber, thiamine, folate, pantothenic acid, protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, carotenes, and copper etc., So oranges have many health benefits for your body. Oranges are used as raw or in the form of Juice in the whole world. So check out these health benefits of oranges as follows: Orange Prevents Cancer: ...