C. Sarah

Enuresis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Enuresis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

1. What Is Enuresis? Enuresis is a common elimination disorder. It is a problem of bed-wetting at night. It has been classified on the basis of timing. The disorder which happens in daytime is called diurnal Enuresis. The disorder taking place at night is called nocturnal Enuresis. People may suffer from any of them but children are exceptions. Generally, they suffer from diurnal Enuresis as well as nocturnal Enuresis. Enuresis happens in two ways. If a person suffers from dryness, ...

6 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat!

6 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat!

Losing tummy fat is really, really problematic. It clings to you like a bad relationship you don’t have enough willpower to end, but subconsciously, you do everything in your power to get rid of it. You try new diets, drink lots of water (good in any case!), and work out like there’s no tomorrow. But there’s little to no change in your waist size. Did you know that indulging in diet soda, apart from not helping you lose weight, can ...

Complete Guide on Vitamin C Benefits, Sources, Supplements

Complete Guide on Vitamin C Benefits, Sources, Supplements

Vitamins are required by our body to grow and develop. Vitamin C is known to be an anti-oxidant and is very important for your bones, connective tissues, and skin. Vitamin C functions actively in immune function, oxidative stress reduction, and enzyme activation. It protects us from the respiratory tract infections and reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin C also helps in formation of skin, blood vessels, and bones. Vitamin C is naturally present in some fruits and ...